인생은 길고 여행은 짧다

영어회화 공부 일빵빵 39강 can you show me~

1. how was it with you friends? : 친구들하고 어땠어?
* how was ~ vs how was it ~ 차이점 공부하기

2. you should feel great about yourself : 넌 스스로 대단하다고 생각해야해.
*  발음 : 단어끝에 d나 t는 받침발음.



3. floppy? : 뒤죽박죽 엉망..

4. can you show me ~ : ~보여줄래 / ~알려줄래 
* can you show me the menu? 메뉴좀 보여줄래요? / can you show me the way to the station? 역으로 가는길을 알려줄래요?


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