1. they're close : 그들은 가깝다.
* they're closed : 묻을 닫았다는
2. like ross has been annoyed with you : 로스가 너를 괴롭히는것 처럼
* like는 여기서 접속사로 ~처럼 사용
3. they're sick : 그들 이상해
* =they're insane, they freak out, that is weird
4. i'm outta here : 나갈래
* i am out of here의 준말, 구어체
5. we can break them up : 우리가 그들을 헤어지게 할수 있어.
6. i can't stop : ~멈출수없어, ~할수밖에 없어
* i can't stop laughting 난 웃음을 멈출수가 없어 / i can't stop sneezing : 재채기를 멈출수가 없어
영어 쉐도잉 Culips Simplified Speech #1 - Coffee (0) | 2022.01.14 |
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